
5 Reasons Why You Don’t Want an iPhone

I’ve been a little frustrated with my iPhone lately, so much that I wish I did more research before buying it and I’m actually considering going back to my old trust Sony Ericsson.

Anyway here’s 5 reasons why you don’t want one.

1) You can’t search for a name in your phone book to call.

That’s right.

You can’t. You really really can’t.

To call someone, you have to open up a list of ALL your contacts, then scroll through them one by one.

You can of course jump to names starting under a certain alphabet, but the list of alphabets on the side of the screen are so small and so close together than when you try to press T you might end up pressing S instead.

There is a 3rd party application you can download for your iPhone to help you to search for your contact but every time you use it a pop-up will appear asking you to donate. WTF?!?! I HAVE TO SPEND MONEY JUST TO HAVE THE ABILITY TO SEARCH FOR MY CONTACTS IN MY PHONE?!?!

2) It takes 9 seconds just to want to read or write an SMS.

That’s right. To read or write an SMS you open up an SMS application.

That application literally takes 9 seconds to load up before you can do anything. LITERALLY.

3) You can’t send a contact

Say Nicholas asks me to send a contact to him from my phone book. Bad enough that I have to manually search through the whole phone book, there’s no option for me to send the contact. So what I eventually have to do is memorize that phone number, and then type it out in an SMS to him.

To add to the work it takes to send a contact, remember it takes 9 seconds for my SMS page to load up?

That’s 9 seconds of me saying a number to myself over and over again so that I won’t forget.


That’s right… to clear your mailbox, you have to manually delete each SMS one by one. ISN’T THAT JOLLY!!!!

5) Getting SCREWED by EDGE

I just found this out yesterday.

You see the iPhone allows you to hook up to Wi-Fi to check your mail. But when the Wi-Fi is disconnected for any reason, it goes to use EDGE to download all your mail automatically.

Now I get a ton load of mail in my Nuffnang work mail all the time.

So I just checked and realized that since I got an iPhone, I downloaded what was 150MB of MAIL… and I DIDN’T HAVE A DATA PLAN BECAUSE I DIDN’T THINK I’LL BE USING EDGE AT ALL.

The only mail downloading I wanted to do was on Wi-Fi! Heck I’m not using a Blackberry here!

I looked online to find if there was a way to turn off EDGE on my iPhone and realized that there were many other people who had fallen victim to the same trap as I had. All being slapped with huge data charges.

So I called my friend up at Maxis and asked him how much this 150MB is gonna cost me and he said
“Oh only 1 sen per 1kb”.

Now do the math, 1 sen for every 1 KB is RM10 for every 1 MB.

150 MB = RM1,500.


FARRKK!!!! I AM SO BROKE NOWW…. I think I need a second job.

Anyone hiring?

I will work hard hard for you wan!

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