Okay so early this morning I was at the National Eye Center in Singapore to see a specialist there about my eye.
Seriously you gotta love Singapore.
I mean they actually have a center JUST FOR EYES and they call it the NATIONAL EYE CENTER. HOW COOL IS THAT!I wonder what other body parts they have centers for.
You know… maybe a National Hand Centre, National Belly Button Centre, National Nipple Centre, National Peni…..
So okay I was getting consultation from the Doctor there when he said:
From the many other reasons why I suffer from a Recurring Corneal Erosion, one of the reasons is because… my left eye (which is the eye that always gets hurt), doesn’t blink.
Yes… you heard me.
As simple as that!
According to him, it’s because my eye doesn’t blink on a regular basis that it begins to get very dry being constantly exposed to open air hence causing my cornea to flake off a little bit when it’s dry hence requiring me to put a lot of eye drops.
and when I say a lot of eye drops I mean NIAGARA FALLS kind of a LOT.
Who thought blinking could be so important.
So well the Doctor layed out some for me to help cure my recurring corneal erosion. There were options that involved surgery and options that options didn’t involve surgery. Naturally I prefer the ones that didn’t involve surgery right.
And one of the options that didn’t involve surgery was for me to start blinking my left eye more often.
How hard is that! Imagine trying to remember to blink every 30 seconds of your life.
I tried when I was sent back to the waiting room and it didn’t work for me.Anyway I like to look at the positive side of things.
And here is the positive side of this situation.
First of all, the Doctor said that I need to blink my left eye more often right? He didn’t say anything about the right eye.
So when you blink one eye only… that’s… a wink right?
A wink is also another way for the male species to flirt with the female species (at least during the old days… now people just SMS-flirt).
So now say I go out and see a hot chick.
I’m not gonna hesitate to WINK at her.
And hey.. it’s a win-win situation for me.
First of all, if she takes my wink well and responds with another wink then I just got lucky.
But if she doesn’t and thinks that I’m some ham sap lou then I can just say
“Sorry… can’t help it.. Doctor’s orders!”.There’s like… NO downside to that!!!
Now I’m gonna go wink at as many girls as I can… any of you know any girls I can wink at let me know okay