About a week or two ago, Dawn asked me to join a reality TV Show called The Firm.
The Firm is like the Malaysian version of The Apprentice, Joel joined and won Season 1, and now they’re looking to recruit a new team of people for Season 2.
Dawn happens to be one of the people working on Season 2.I managed to however convince her that I was too boring to be on reality TV. I mean, for a reality TV show, you need someone who has a hot temper, who has an attitude problem, who lies or cheats… or things like that. That’s what we all love to watch right? Drama!
If you put 20 Timothy Tiah’s in there, it’ll be the most boring show you’ll ever see because each one of them will always try to be ‘politically correct’ and there will be no drama.
So I know then that I’m not meant to be IN reality TV shows, but I love reality TV shows and I guess it wouldn’t hurt to be behind the scenes on one of them.
Enter Malaysian Dreamgirl.
Malaysian Dreamgirl approached me some time last year to find out if we can work some sort of collaboration between Nuffnang and them.
Backed by huge sponsors from Nissan to AmBank, Malaysian Dreamgirl was going to be the first web-based reality TV Show in Malaysia , that means instead of watching it off the airwaves, you can watch it online just like how we all watch our videos these days.
A little excited about it and having met the people behind Malaysian Dreamgirl (one of them being the guy in the picture below),I decided that it would be good fun to be a part of, hence Nuffnang signed on as a Media Partner.
Apart on some blog advertising campaigns that they ran on the Nuffnang network, we also hooked them up with a few bloggers:
Pink Pau and Shaolintiger who will be our ‘blogger journalists’ to cover the event.And Kenny Sia who will actually be one of the judges alongside Elaine Daly and Lim Jimmy.
Anyway, last Saturday I went over the PWTC to check out the auditions they were having and more importantly to support Ringo who was going there to participate!Upon arrival, I saw A LOT of hot chicks all sitting outside waiting to go in for their auditions.
Seriously, I have never seen so many chicks in one place before… and the girl guy ratio there must’ve been 10 girls for every 1 guy.
Bloody hell, we should’ve turned that place into a club. It would’ve meet a lot more fun than that sausage fest I was in last weekend.
I grabbed myself a VIP Pass and was ushered into a Media Room where we could watch real-time what was happening in the room next door where the auditions were taking place.
I ended up staying there almost the entire afternoon and it was soo much fun.
There we all were betting on which girl was gonna get accepted by the judges and who wasn’t.
I took the liberty of taking pictures of some of the girls while they were waiting to go in for their auditions.
Pretty or not?
Hahahaha there were a few that made it.
Like this hot girl in red here.Or this girl Giselle who apparently is a KINDERGARTEN TEACHER.
I know what you guys are thinking…
How can the kids FOCUS on learning the alphabet or counting apples when you have someone so HOT teaching you. Heck I probably can’t even say “Hi” to her without tripping over myself in real life.
Another girl that got shortlisted is this girl that looks so much like Sweat Lee it’s almost disturbing.When she came into the Media Room to be interviewed and talk to us, Pink Pau, Shaolintiger, Samantha and the rest of us in there were all referring to her as Suet Li.
We went
“Suet Li Suet Li… come take picture with me!!!”
And she would just acknowledge it and come take pictures with us.
Until of course towards the end when she decided it was time to say something before she gets labeled Suet Li for the rest of the show…
She was leaving and we said
She turned back and said
“My name is Yvonne”.
And we all said
“Okay Suet Li! Bye!!!”
Now the next girl I found really interesting at the event was Alison.
She was tall, charming, pretty and really really smart.
We got to talking and found out that she’s an architect by profession who had just returned to Malaysia after having spent 7 years in the UK.
I was telling her how I spent 3 years in the UK studying for a degree when she asked “Which university?”
When I said
She said
See.. UCL people are ALL smart!
Oi…One of the Top 25 Universities in the World you know!
Dun pray pray!!!
Soon enough, the moment we had all been waiting for had come.It was Ringo’s turn to go in for audition, she was sooo nervous but she found the strength in herself to be confident when she walked in.
All of us were gripping our seats in the Media Room hoping that she’ll get shortlisted, I mean it would really be nice to have a fellow blogger in the show right?
She did!!!
She was damn glamour by the time she came out.
Everyone rushing to interview her and all.
That day 40-50 girls were shortlisted for another round of auditions this weekend where they will narrow down those 40-50 girls to just 12 that will be in the actual reality TV Show.
The final 12 will be shipped off to some really nice villa somewhere and filmed there… that’s when we all get to watch them!
I’m sure there’ll be some fun and also some disappointments as some of the girls we met that day get eliminated.
I had my first disappointment with one of candidates.
Her name was Alicia.I thought she was really nice and I really liked her “Girl Next Door” kind of look, you know the kind of girl you can bring home to your mum.
Seriously… bring home the Kindergarten Teacher and your mum will say
“SON… WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!?!”Unfortunately the judges didn’t feel that Alicia fit the profile of a top model.
Now that doesn’t mean to say that the judges didn’t think she wasn’t pretty or anything… she just wasn’t exactly what they were looking for.
I’m really pretty excited about the TV show coming out. Honestly… I never thought that I would be this excited but holy crap… look at what a long post I’ve written just for this.
And hey… I’m not being paid a cent to write anything about this okay?