The Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra is something that we’ve all heard of, but not too many of us has actually gone to witness it.
I’ve been hearing all about it. Apparently everything about it is world class. From the musicians to even the concert hall they play in.
So today I finally decided to get myself (and a date) a ticket, put on my coat and went to watch it.Yes the place is so world class that you can’t get in without wearing either a coat or a batik shirt.
Now to be very honest, I’m not too much a classical music kind of person. I like classical music, but just some of the songs. Hence I never like going to an orchestra concert because you’ll never really know what you’re actually gonna get to hear.
It’s like going to a concert and you have no idea who’s going to perform. I mean it turn out to be something good like Kanye West, Black Eyed Peas or something… OR it could turn out to be something really shit like…. well… Jessica Simpson and you’ll be kicking yourself through the night.
Anyyyyywaaayyy… so happens that on the night of the concert I was going, they were having this pianist coming to perform.
So fine… I like the sound of the piano.
We all sat down in the world class concert hall and the music started playing.Then something really weird struck me, the piano he was playing didn’t sound at all like a piano.
I turned to my date and asked her
“Wtf is wrong with that piano? Don’t they realize it’s broken?”
She told me
“It’s not a piano, it’s called a Harpsichord”.
Most of us would have never really heard of a harpsichord before but it basically looks like a piano but sounds NOTHING like a piano. In fact, it sounds LIKE SHIT.
I couldn’t stand the music that came out of that hideous piece of crap. It somehow just struck a nerve in me that made me really very annoyed.Worst part was I was forced to listen to the whole thing since they shut all the doors once the concert started.
When I first started listening to it, I just got a little uncomfortable (though I was the outcast since everyone around me seemed to enjoy it).
Then it got a little annoying.. then very annoying… then I started to get angry…. towards the end I got so angry I almost stood up in the middle of the concert and PUNCHED the guy sitting next to me for no reason.Seriously… I was feeling that pissed off.
The damn musical noise instrument sounds like a bloody little mosquito stuck in your ear and flying around inside (at least to me it sounds like that).
There you have it… I can’t believe it but there is actually an instrument on this Earth that has the power to make ME and possibly some other people REALLY REALLY ANGRY.
I wonder why they never used that damn instrument in war.
I mean think of how powerful that will be.
The invading army will come to our borders with their tanks, planes and soldiers and all we have to do is get someone to play that damn instrument.
Before long all those tanks, planes and soldiers will get so pissed off with one another they’ll end up blowing each other up.And the best part is… when the United Nations comes up to you and say
You can just tell the truth and say
“I didn’t! I just played them music welcoming them to my country and they kicked their own asses”.
It’s official… there is actually a musical instrument on this planet that I really hate!
What are they going to make next? Ice-cream that makes you angry when you eat it?
That can’t be hard to do for me.
Just put tau geh in the ice-cream and that’ll be enough to piss me the hell off!
Update: I’m sorry if anyone takes this the wrong way but I really don’t mean this entry to be any disrespect to anyone who loves classical music. It’s just a matter of my personal preference. Some people can’t stand heavy metal or rap music, I can’t stand classical music with a harpsichord in it. I do however like some other classical pieces.