Tomorrow, I’m going away for 5 days for a Christmas vacation.
After all the stress and hard work I’ve been through this week, I think it’s nice to finally be able to relax.
I was going to give my readers a surprise about where I was going but I guess the cat’s out of the bag ever since KLue magazine came out with a little column about what a few “Personalities” were doing for Christmas.When they asked me what I was doing for Christmas, I told them that I was going for a cruise, thinking that they were just doing a general survey and never really thought they would actually quote me.
Heck I never even realized that I was considered a “personality“, that’s what you call celebrities like JJ & Rudy, Carmen Soo or Kenny Sia.
Not small time bloggers like myself but thanks very much to the guys at KLue for the mention.
Tomorrow I’ll be catching a flight to Singapore and hopping on to a ship when I’m there.
Not just any ship, quite a big ship with lots of people.
I think it’s called the Royal Caribbean Cruise line. The cruise is going to take me all the way from Singapore up to Langkawi and Phuket.
Funny thing is, for these 5 days, I’m pretty sure I’m not going to have any mobile phone reception.
I never lasted 5 days in my life without a mobile phone… but I guess I’m going to have to get used to it.
At least they still have internet on board so I can still blog onboard the cruise.
So my bag is packed.
My vacation reading picked up.
Because I’m going for my cruise now.
To all my dear clients especially Mehlin, all my mobile phone calls will be diverted to Nicholas to handle but I’ll still be checking my e-mails there every day and I’m expecting to work a couple of hours each day so don’t hesitate to drop me an e-mail okay?
Buh-bye everyone!
Will blog more about the cruise when I’ve left shore.