Picture this.
One day, tycoon Vincent Tan comes up to you and says.
“My Good man…. I want to start a Malaysian soft drink brand. I am hereby now giving you this cheque of RM100,000,000 and I want you to take this money, and start a brand. But first… I want you to tell me what you’re going to call your soft drink.”
What would you say?
Well I would say
“SEI LOR!!!!!!”
Because the best name for a soft drink in this part of the world is already taken by this Singaporean drink called Anything or Whatever.
The idea behind this is simple.
When you guys go to Mamak or a coffee shop, you often get a man come up to you and say
“Boss… minum?”
In which you would sometimes say yourself
“Anything…” or “Whatever lar”.
So in cases like this now… in Singapore.. they will literally bring you a drink called Anything or Whatever.
How cool is that?
Now I’ve never had the drink before but I did some research and found that the Anything drink is Carbonated whereas the Whatever drink is Non-carbonated.
However, the carbonated drinks can range anything from a typical Cola to Root bear and the non-carbonated ranges from ice-lemon tea to peach tea and quite a few more.
So every can you open… it’s a new surprise! (Unless you want to spoil the fun by looking at the ingredients of the can before you buy it).
Now if you think that’s cool.. check out their TV ads….
This is the Anything one.
And this is Whatever.
“Can you give me…. ANYTHING”.