

Last weekend I was in Gurney Plaza again for my weekly posing session at Coffee Bean.

Now shopping malls in KL normally have some events going on during the weekends, sponsored by different companies and Gurney Plaza is no different.

Yes! We have them in Penang too! Contrary to public belief, we aren’t so ulu after all!

Last weekend’s event was some Wedding Studio day planned for the to-be husbands and wives… and also planned to remind single people that they are single and that they’ll die alone on their deathbeds if they don’t quickly find someone to marry.

That’s right… we single people love to be reminded how we lack that other half don’t we? Oooh we love it… it’s soo stimulating when someone asks me
“So… no girlfriend yet ar?”

Almost like a natural high.

The same kind of high when I see booths from all sorts of Wedding Studios all over Penang, encouraging people to get married!

Then… there are the “HAPPY PEOPLE”.

Smiling away making plans with the Sales Executive of a Marriage Studio… enjoying the thrill of answering questions like
“So… how did you both meet? How long have you been together? How did you propose?”

And listening to the typical answer of the 3rd question.
“Awwwww… SOOOO SWEEETT!!!!”

Next there are those that don’t quite like the 1-1 approach in deciding what kind of photos they want so they go along with another couple for a foursome.
And those who look too young to get married but just think it’s fun pretending to be like a to-be married couple.


I left Gurney Plaza a very very sad man.

Here’s something that might surprise many of you: Believe it or not… I actually do want to get married quick because I love babies!

All I need is to earn some $ to support my family but heck even my dad who’s longing for a grandchild once said to me
“Son… I don’t mind you get married right now.. I don’t even mind if it’s a shotgun marriage… all I want is another grandchild!”

My mum on the other hand is a little more conservative
“Don’t you dare shame the family!!! Make sure you wear “raincoat” or I will disown you”.

Should I listen to my father or my mother?

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