I remember the days of IRC.
It was the “IN” thing back in secondary school.
Students from all over Penang will spend their time on the channel #penang meeting other Penangites.
Conversations always went like that
CoolGuy15: Hi
BabyCrush14: Hi BabyCrush14: a/s/l?
Coolguy15: 15/m/pg Coolguy15: u?
BabyCrush14: 14/f/pg
Coolguy15: Cool… what skool are u from?
BabyCrush14: CPT… u?
Coolguy15: SXI…
BabyCrush14: oic
Coolguy15: so uhmm… yeah…. so how was your day?
Babycrush14: it was ok… u?
Coolguy15: it was ok too… soo uhmm…
Babycrush14: …
Coolguy15: uhmm… so you finished your homework today?
Babycrush14: Ya… u?
Coolguy15: yeah I finished too… great… uhmm… do you watch ultraman?
Babycrush14: Not really…
Coolguy15: how about doraemon?
Babycrush14: nop
Coolguy15: how about baja hitam?
Babycrush14: nop
Coolguy15: baja merah jambu?
Babycrush14: nop
Coolguy15: smurfs?
Babycrush14: nop
Coolguy15: carebears?
Babycrush14: nop
Babycrush14: i watch cnn, bbc, cnbc and the discovery channel. daddy tells me that boys who spend all their time watching cartoon network grow up to be idiots who never get laid.
Yes, hardly effective at most times, though I did meet quite a few girls over IRC that way (including one named Yi Jun who $(#&*((*#(#$*)
Anyway, the IRC trend faded away quickly and then came the recent years where guys met girls through social networks like Friendster, something that I never quite caught on.
Yes… it is true…
I don’t know why… maybe it’s because I’m hardly the best looking guy there…
or maybe it’s because I haven’t updated my profile in years (it still says I’m in the UK and I am ‘in a relationship’)
or mayyybe.. it’s because when girls think of sending me a Friendster message, they first see my Friendster profile that says
“Last Login : 3 months ago”.
And they figure “Ahh forget it! The sonofabitch is never going to reply anyway.”
WHICH IS NOT TRUE!!! I do log in to Friendster every once in a while to reply messages!
I just don’t stay long enough to go around collecting 500 friends in 3 different Friendster accounts! 😛
Anyway… meeting girls over Friendster is already fast becoming out of date!
Today, there is a new way for shy boys like me to meet girls online.
And that is… by reading blogs like timothytiah.blogspot.com
Meet William!
William has for long been one of my faithful readers from MMU!
He was doing the usual commenting on my silly blog entries until he caught the attention of a pretty Penang girl named Marian.
They used my blog as a chat base and eventually exchanged MSN contacts.
Today, they are officially … a couple!
The very first couple to meet on timothytiah.blogspot.com
So there you have it everyone.
Just by reading blogs (or my blog), William has gone from shy boy
To MANOnce again, to the shy boys out there… reading timothytiah.blogspot.com is good for you!