I have been looking for a new laptop in the past 2 weeks.
My current ‘old faithful‘ has been with me for more than two years and I thought it was time to move on, not because I was bugged by it being out of date but because it was getting too heavy for me to drag around.
I bought this Dell laptop when I was in the UK thinking that I wanted a huge but powerful laptop.
Since I only intended to carry it between my London flat and my home in Penang, the weight wasn’t a problem for me.
But now that I’m out working on Netccentric, I find myself carrying my heavy laptop everywhere which is way too taxing on a fat man like me.
So I went and bought myself a Mac.I know what some of you are thinking
“WHAT!?!?! MAC?!?!”
Well I bought the Mac not because of the iPhone or any of Apple’s immense branding power.
It’s not even because the Mac comes with its own remote control.I bought it because I started thinking about all my previous computers.
Every time I buy a new computer, it would feel lightning fast… but sooner or later it will slow down and the next thing I know, the new computer would feel just as slow as the old computer does.
I’m sure we all know how it feels like to have Internet Explorer take 10 seconds just to start up when it took 2 seconds when it was brand new.Now the explanation that most people have given me for this situation is because of the Hard Drive more than the Operating System.
But my friends who use Mac always tell me that their computers almost never slow down so I decided to give it a shot, try a different Operating System for once.
When I think a Mac, I think of Hasan, one of my best friends back in my UCL days.
Hasan is very against the idea of a Mac so when I bought my Mac, I just HAD to tell him about it.
This is how our MSN conversation went.
Hasan says:
Stewie… says:
yes hasan
Stewie… says:
Stewie… says:
u’re going to be so… not proud of me if i tell u what i’m doign right now
Hasan says:
Hasan says:
is it porn?
Stewie… says:
Hasan says:
is it gay porn?
Stewie… says:
i am setting up my new laptop
Hasan says:
gay porn on your new laptop?
Hasan says:
i expect that from you
Stewie… says:
Hasan says:
well, congratulations on a new laptop
Stewie… says:
Stewie… says:
Hasan says:
Hasan says:
gay porn with animals? with your head photoshopped in?
Hasan says:
on the animals?
Stewie… says:
Stewie… says:
Stewie… says:
my new laptop
Stewie… says:
is a mac
Hasan says:
Hasan says:
i disown you
Hasan says:
you are my timmy no longer!
Hasan says:
you’ve been lured by that iphon!
Hasan says:
that we won’t even see for a year
Stewie… says:
Stewie… says:
i ordered it just a week before the iphone came out
And then I went on to ask him
Stewie… says:
come on
Stewie… says:
why do u hate mac
Hasan says:
i dunno
Hasan says:
i guess its just a historic revulsion
Hasan says:
to the traditional user of macs
Stewie… says:
Stewie… says:
Hasan says:
they were the true geeks
Hasan says:
the definiton of geeks
Stewie… says:
and bill gates wasn’t
Hasan says:
Stewie… says:
Stewie… says:
bill gates was a jock in school
Stewie… says:
he played football
Stewie… says:
got drunk every night
Hasan says:
Hasan says:
now you’re talking!
Either ways… I lurrrrveee my Mac (though I’m still trying to learn how to use it).
So here’s a pic of me and my Mac(Its “Me and My Mac” as far as I’m concerned… not “My Mac and I“.)
Oh… and this blog entry… was written on my Mac.
MAC HOOoooO!!!!!
PS: Ok.. now give it to me… how many of you are going to stop reading my blog now that I blog from a Mac… HAHAHAHA