A friend of mine recently brought to my attention an article on Pirate Bay.
For those of you who don’t know what Pirate Bay is… shame on you!
Pirate Bay is the world’s largest Bittorrent Tracker (or at least it claims to be).
“Pirates” like these normally find sanctuary in countries like Russia or Sweden where American Copyright laws don’t apply. Which is why they can rightfully afford to be cocky!
Apple sent them an e-mail saying
“We demand that you immediately disable the torrent and/or tracker and prevent further distribution of Apple’s trade secret and copyrighted material”.
And they replied saying
“We demand that you provide us with entertainment by sending more legal threats. Please?”
But recently even the Swedish government has been under pressure to shut them down resulting in their servers being taken away in a police raid on May 2006.
So now they’ve all decided to purchase (or at least try to) a country of its own in the form of a man made platform called Sealand.
Sealand will allow them to host their servers in PEACE since they’ll be free of all copyright laws!
The island is expected to cost GBP 504,000,000 and they have already raised uhmm… about $15,327 through a website they set up to collect donations.
But lets just say they DO succeed to come up with the money to buy Sealand.
They’re gonna be able to host their servers in peace without worrying about any cops showing up at their door.I mean… no cop is going to bother swimming far out into sea just to confiscate their servers right?
The cops won’t bother they’ll just send the Aircraft Carrier.
But how how how how how can they simply invade another tiny country like that?
Easy… all Bush has to say is…Oh and of course throw in a few words like
“Axis of Evil”, “Terrorists” and “Al-Qaeda”.
Check out the article on Sealand here.
And the legal threats to Sealand (and their responses) here.