
Crazy Car Signs

I was at The Curve last weekend to meet a few bloggers.

There was Slinky who I must say was nice and funny as ever.
Cheryl who is absolutely gorgeous.And of course… Kelz.
As usual, just like Cely and Earl, this bunch of bloggers were also late for our meet.

So just to pass time I was walking around the Curve until I came to a spot right outside Sanctuary where I stood overlooking Cineleisure.It was then when I saw it…

In the distance… and IN Cineleisure…

THERE WAS LECKA LECKA!!!So I rushed over to buy myself a scoop but on the way there… I came across a rather interesting stall.It was a stall full of funny signs…. I LURRRRVVEEE funny signs.This particular sign caught my attention and I was really considering buying it.
But then again, I decided that as much as I CAN diet, I love food too much to do it so I should stay away from signs like this.

Then another sign caught my attention.

You see, I have a particular female friend who HATES ALL smokers.

I shit you not!

When sitting in a restaurant, if you are ever caught smoking right near enough to her for her to smell the scent of smoke, she will stare at you and mumble a quiet

Now this wouldn’t be a surprise if it came from an outspoken girl but I assure you that this particular friend is a very very quiet person
(I was considering putting up her picture but I know doing so would get her in some trouble).

So anyway, for this friend of mine… I bought her this sign to put in her car.
And in return, she bought me this sign.
Which looks fantastic on my car window right beside my Tuitionhamster car sticker.
Perhaps one day… somebody driving behind me might be naive enough to believe that there truly is a Future Billionaire On Board my car.

Or maybe a little boy seated in the car behind me might say
“Daddy daddy! Look there is a future billionaire aboard the car in front… WOW!!!”.

In which the dad would probably reply
“My Dear Son… sometimes you are so stupid… I wonder if you’re mentally retarded and I blame your mum for dropping you on the head when you were young.”

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