In my last blog entry, I left off where I was with my bro, sis and my newly made friends on board the Taiwan MRT.
Now after we were all done with making poses on the train, we finally reached our destination.
The girls were taking us to a little street market kind of place that was full of young people.
Young people went there to shop and more importantly… to try the yummy yummy junk food.
Now I urge my dear readers not to be deceived by the food in Taiwan.
While the Taiwanese have lovely lovely munchies like these sugar coated munchies There were some that were much less exciting.
So listen to Boss Stewie when he says this.
When in Taipei… STAY AWAY FROM THIS THINGHere’s how the story goes.
When the girls asked us where we wanted them to take us, we told them that we wanted to eat all sorts of Taiwanese food… especially the deserts.
All of them were quick to say that we had to try this thing which directly translated to English means “Smelly Tofu”.
Now at first I thought smelly was like.. durian or garlic… smelly to some people.. but delicious to others, especially me!
And Boss Stewie lurrrrvess tofu, so I made sure they took me to a stall that sold the famous “Smelly Tofu”.
Thus while walking down the streets of the street market, we came across this store selling the “Smelly Tofu”. The girls giggled excitedly and were quick to buy us a couple of the Tofu.
I was excited myself!
I lurrrveeeeee tofu… and if the Taiwanese love “Smelly Tofu” and I love the Taiwanese then I love “Smelly Tofu” too.
I removed it from it’s paper wrapping and slowly took a bite. All the girls looked at me intently seeking approval…
It had a very unique taste to it at first… then after a while I began to taste something different but I couldn’t seem to pin-point what it was exactly.
Then I looked over at my brother who asked me how it tasted and then went on to take his own first bite.
I knew exactly how to describe it but I didn’t know if I should say it in front of my newly made friends.
So I said
“It tastes like…. uhmmm… “
By then my brother had tasted it and had the disgust in his face.
He completed my sentence for me
“SHIT….. it tastes like SHIT!”. And I said
“YEAH!!! It tastes like SHIT!!! LITERALLY !!! I’ve never eaten shit before but I’m pretty sure this is what it would taste like.”.
Our Taiwanese girl friends burst out laughing upon hearing us say that.
Then I asked them why the hell they brought a bunch of tourists to eat something that tastes like shit!
But they went on to say
“EH!!! 很好吃的!!!” (Very nice wan!!!)
So there you have it everyone.
When in Taipei, please stay away from the “Smelly Tofu”. Then again, I never once thought that there would be once in my life when I would say that something tastes like SHIT… and actually mean it literally.
You gotta love Taiwan.
PS: Apparently the “Smelly Tofu” is actually an acquired taste. Just like blue cheese or even durian.