I found myself at Bangsar Shopping Complex yesterday afternoon.
BSC is famous for many things.
To some people it’s the infamous place where Canny Ong was kidnapped, but for others, it’s famous for being the place where rich people hang out and where poor people go to look at the cars of the rich.
I was there not so much to look at the BMW M5 parked right outside
or to look at the Ferrari parked just a little behind the M5.
I wasn’t even there to look at how cheap the Nissan Skyline looked when put among the M5 and Ferrari.
Tokyo Drift doesn’t sound so cool now does it?
Tell the owner of the Ferrari that you own a Nissan Skyline and he’ll say
“Oh I’ve heard about your car… it’s one of those cheap Japanese cars that people buy when they can’t afford a car like mine right?”.
But do not fear my dear Skyline owners… there will always be people who will be impressed with your car. Just not when it’s parked in front of a Ferrari.
Anyway, I was at BSC because I heard that they brought Christmas… to BSC.
After feeling sorry for the Skyline and envy for the Ferrari, I walked into BSC and the first thing to greet me was this.
Christmas carols were playing and people were moving all around exploring the cute little items on display.
There were Christmas trees everywhere, decorated with ornaments on sale that were specially imported from Thailand.Now I am used to seeing Christmas trees being decorated with fake candy sticks, socks, lights and little plastic balls.
What I am not used to is seeing Christmas trees wonderfully decorated with ornaments like this or this
or even this big one. I walked around to explore the space and to check out the little ornaments they were selling.
But after admitting to myself that even if I bought this particular ornament that I likedI wouldn’t have the patience to go home and put them all on my papaya tree (poor people or people in the lower income bracket like myself use papaya trees as our Christmas tree…. DON’T JUDGE US!!!!).
So I walked pass the ornaments to see what else there was.
There was the usual gift section which sold photoframes
But more importantly… there was… FOOOD!!!!!!!
Freshly baked bread that were either made in small pieces like this
or HUGEEE pieces like this.
But alas, after I felt I had enough time walking around the place and looking at things that I couldn’t afford, I decided it was time for me to leave before I was tempted to steal something.
On my way out, I looked back at the beautifully decorated high ceiling and couldn’t help but think…
“All these beautiful decorations but WHY NO GREEN TEA ICE-CREAM?!?! “.
So much for having something for everyone during Christmas 🙁
PS: Ok but seriously, if you’re looking for some Christmas-sy things or even for some Christmas events to watch, do check this place out at BSC.