Every day I visit the Star Online for my daily dosage of whatever goes on in our dear country.
In yesterday’s paper, I happened to come across an article titled
“Woman sues former lover for not marrying her”.
The title caught my attention so I read on.
The story goes that this 38 year old woman was suing her 40 year old ex-boyfriend for having sex with her 31 times and not marrying her.
Notice the article said exactly “31 times” and NOT “About 30 plus times”.
That’s because Miss Nagamah here recorded down the time and place of every time they had sex from 1998 to 2001 though Miss Nagamah denied any ill intention in doing so.
31 TIMES!!!
She must love Baskin Robbins.
So after all the sex (31 of them), the boyfriend decided to run off and marry another woman so Miss Nagamah is using her right as a woman to sue him for changing his mind.
Now I don’t know about you guys but I thought that made perfect sense!
Hooray to Miss Nagamah for being brave and standing up to her rights.
There is much that we can learn from her.
From now on, here’s what we should do.
First, go out and spend a little bit of money on a “Buku 888” like this.Then every time you have sex with your partner, record down not only the time and place but as much details as possible ie (how long it lasted, how it was, what positions you did it in and in what order) so that it can be used in court.
Remember that it is PERFECTLY NORMAL to record down the date and place of every time you have had sex with your partner.
So when your partner decides to break up with you, just bring him/her to court and don’t worry about having any SIGNED LEGAL CONTRACTS like this
to prove that your partner was having sex with you only because he/she promised to marry you because a verbal agreement is good enough for use in court.
Take for example last Friday night.
I AGREED to meet a friend for drinks but at the last minute something came up and he decided that he couldn’t make it. Now I could very well take him to court and sue his ass and the judge WILL rule in my favour because I only agreed to go out with him because he told me that he was going to show up.
But he didn’t!
So I feel “deceived” for agreeing in the first place!
So… a verbal agreement is all you need.
And when I say verbal agreement I don’t mean going through the hassel of taking an oath like this
All that is required isTHAT’S IT!!!
Of course, the silly man denies that he ever proposed to her but in cases like this, we must never believe the man because he is the offender.
We must believe the woman because she is the victim!
But not only did the man deny that he proposed to her, he went as far as to say that “he had slept with Nagamah… “more than 20 times” but only because she had wanted it.”
How could Miss Nagamah ever want sex?
The only reason why she would have sex with him is to do him a FAVOUR…
NOT because she gets any joy or pleasure out of it. Right?
After all, only men enjoy sex.. women don’t. Right?
So good luck to Miss Nagamah.
Be strong woman!
You have STRONG case and I’m sure the judge will rule in favour of you.
Girl power WOOHOO!!! PS: You can check out the full article here.
PPS: I would personally prefer a wife with some ‘experience‘ but hey… what do I know!