Ahhh Streamyx!
Many years ago, Streamyx saved our lives!
While the rest of the world was already moving on broadband, all of us in Malaysia were still stuck with dial-up.
I remember how I used to play Counterstrike on foreign servers with 300 ping where all the other people there had 50 ping.
And when I killed anyone they said I was cheating because I was a lagger.
For those of you who don’t play CS and can’t relate to the problem, allow me to illustrate in more simple terms.
It’s like I got on a race track to race with some people.
And while everyone on the race track drives THIS
I drive… THIS
So obviously I almost NEVER win.
But on the very very rare unlikely occasions that I DO WIN, I get responses like this
So be thankful that we have Streamyx.
But fast forward to today and Streamyx has gone from the solution to all our internet problems to the problem itself.
I was reading Hong Kiat’s blog and he brought an interesting audio file to my attention.
It’s a recording of a very angry Streamyx customer calling up because he had made numerous complaints about his Streamyx being down and nothing had been done about it.
Then finally a technician came over to his place and told him that it was his modem problem. He spent RM300 on a new modem only to find out later that the internet still wasn’t working (ie the problem probably wasn’t his modem).So he wasted RM300.
I can understand his frustration and his pain because for the past few months, my Streamyx at home had been down for at least 20 days in a month (some months it goes down for a full month).
But I can also understand the poor Customer Service Officer on the other end of the line taking in all the vulgarities.Heck… correct me if I’m wrong but it really isn’t any of their faults that Streamyx’s service has been so poor.
Yet, I must say well done to both the customer service officer and her supervisor Kumaran who later took over the call.
They were both polite and calm to the customer in spite of the insults they were getting.
Few people can find the patience in themselves to do that… I know I personally can’t.
Kudos to Streamyx Customer Service.
Download the audio file to the call here.
Trust me… it’s worth listening to.