One of my readers happened to say to me the other day
“Boss Stewie… you are not a true blogger because you never camwhore… real bloggers camwhore!”.
And to that I will now reply…
I don’t camwhore because of 2 reasons.
Because I am not a hot girl and because I am not a hot girl
(okay maybe that counts as only one reason).
And also because…. lets face it… all of you who read my blog do so NOT because you want to see me snap a million pictures of myself and put them up here.
But ahhh… I often give my readers what they want.
So yesterday after work I went home… and took a few pictures for you guys.
And there you have it.
My best attempt at camwhoring!Yes… I looked nervous because unlike other bloggers… I am a little camera shy.
And of course, at an attempt to look less pretentious and more myself, I put on my big fat white cap.
Don’t mind my weird smile. It’s the result of trying not to laugh knowing how stupid I look with that cap on.
Come to think of it… I think I’m going to consider making this the dress code in my leetle dotcom.
Everyone must come to work in a long-sleeve shirt with tie AND a BIG FAT VON DUTCH cap to make it look like everyone in the company from Malaysia to Singapore has big big brains.
I’m bringing sexy back…