A week ago, I had a long chat with one of my old friends whom I will refer to here as Carrie.
Carrie is one of those rare HOT girls that you can keep as a strictly platonic friend.
In the real world, if a guy thinks a girl is hot.. he’s always gonna keep trying to hump her.
I mean… you guys understand that right?
Allow me to illustrate…
Now unless you have no penis (or a very confused one)…
How in the world… do you be STRICTLY FRIENDS with a girl like thisEVEN MORE SO IF SHE’S PERMANENTLY DRESSED LIKE THAT.
Anyway Carrie was telling me about Janet, one of our hot common friends who recently broke up with her boyfriend.
Janet is a whole different ball game altogether.
Being the top in her class at college, Janet is clearly one of those rare girls that are not only incredibly hot and sexy but also unbelievably smart.
Not just book smart… but REALLY SMART.
(You’d be able to tell just by talking to her for 5 minutes)
Janet’s boyfriend (or ex-boyfriend) on the other hand were one of those “cool” guys at college… you know… the kind that always dresses well and wears sunglasses like this So physically, they were pretty much a good match. Hot and Cool.
They went out for a year plus and were pretty much a happy couple.
So I asked Carrie what went wrong in their relationship.
And the answer that Carrie gave me… was a little of a shock.
Carrie said
“She felt that her boyfriend wasn’t very smart or ambitious…”.
Then it hit me, just a week before that I heard about another friend who dumped her boyfriend not because he was ugly or because she got bored of him… but because he wasn’t “smart or ambitious”.
The funny thing though… was that the guy she’s with at the moment… is hardly smart or ambitious!
All he does is play games and surf Friendster all day.So I asked her shamelessly one day (Able to be blunt because she’s a pretty good friend)
“You dumped your previous boyfriend because he wasn’t smart or ambitious.
Your current boyfriend is hardly ambitious unless working to have 10 level 60 characters in World of Warcraft and three Friendster accounts with 500 friends each is the kind of ambition you’re looking for.
He talks about nothing else but cars, football and games… obviously not exactly the smartest person around… so what’s the difference?“
She looked at me, giggled and whispered in my ear
“Well this boyfriend is already rich… he doesn’t have to be ambitious.”
So I started thinking…
“I like you… you like me… lets hold hands and kiss“?Now not only do we have to “PRETEND TO BE RICH” but we also have to pretend to be smart and ambitious!!!
I don’t know about you guys but I’m going to get myself a copy of Forbes magazine and MEMORISE EVERY LINE.
Then the next time I’m out with a girl I like I’m going to randomly recite
“The average Japanese couple spends $210,000 per child on food, clothing, entertainment and education”.Then she’s going to say
And I would reply her
“The free linux operating system set off one of the biggest revolutions in the history of computing when it leapt from the fingertips of a Finnish college kid named Linus Torvalds 15 years ago”.
And I’m also going to tell her that I have big big plans to be richer than Bill Gates one day.Then she’ll think that I’m smart AND ambitious… and we’ll both get married and live happily ever after
(at least until she realises that I’m poor, fat, dumb and a slacker… but by then it’ll be too late… BWHAAHAHHA).