Yesterday I met up with one of my most faithful readers, William.William studies in MMU but decided to make a trip down to Penang this holiday to pay me a visit.
We agreed to meet for lunch and I spent the morning thinking of where to bring the dude.
At first I thought that maybe I could bring him to a nice place like The Shipto have a steak like this.
Or even to this nice Italian restaurant at Batu Feringgi called Mario’s.
Where I will always remember that I asked for a “Mushroom Soup” and they gave me a bun that was shaped like a titty with an abnormally large nipple.
Surprisingly, just like all ‘titties’ in real life, what was inside it was yummy.
One of the best mushroom soups I have ever had.
I even thought about the yummy pasta I had at Mario’s…
But before I went on to make the grave mistake of bringing him to any of these restaurants, I remembered that people come to Penang not for its restaurant food… but for its hawker food.
I thought of bringing him to the best beef ball noodle in Penang but it was closed… so we settled for… DUCK (which honestly happened to suck that day)!!!
Over the duck lunch we had, I got to know what a nice guy William is.
He’s one of those guys that is most certainly a keeper (girls if you would like his phone number, please e-mail me at
Yet, what was more amazing was finding out how much William knew about all my blog entries.
He kept making references to my previous blog posts in all my conversations with him.
He even went to the building where I bought my computer software from and thought to himself
“Hey!!! I’ve SEEN THIS BUILDING BEFORE!!!”Which was probably how he spotted me in real life…
He was probably waiting for me in my office lobby when he saw a man with a mole walk out of the lift and thought to himself
And went on to shout my name (William you bassstarrdd).
It was almost as if he’s a “walking Leng Mou/Boss Stewie directory”.
William brought a friend… a nice girl named… Lean Shin… (or some name that sounds close to that).After lunch we popped by Gurney Plaza for me to buy my weekly dosage of magazines which is when I found out the TRUE reason for William’s trip down to Penang.
William ‘casually mentioned’ to me that I am just too free to be reading so many magazines every week.
That’s right… the 22 year old man travelled all the way up north…
JUST TO TELL BOSS STEWIE THAT HE IS TOO FREE.Thanks William… you basssstaarddd…
Or like they would say in some European countries…
Oh and I forgot to mention.. William has a blog too.
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