
What To Do When Your Friend Gets High

My friends and I just realised how age was catching up with us.

When we were still students, we used to get high all the time and do rather silly things to keep ourselves entertained.

But in the past year, all of us have ceased student life and started on the new working life.

Since then we noticed that our social life has slowed down.

No longer do we find the energy in ourselves to go clubbing or drinking till late at night.No longer do we even talk about cars or football or girls… all we talk about now is work, work and work.

Over the long Raya weekend, we decided that things had to change (even if it was just for one night).

We got everyone over to my place one night for a drinking and karaoke session.

The night started out slow.

Everyone was being… “grown-up”.

But 1 and a half bottles of Black Label later, the alcohol started to take effect.

Everyone was high… and happy…. until one of my friends suddenly fell to the ground.

Now when your friend falls to the ground seemingly because of excessive alcohol consumption… what do you do?

Step 1: Pretend to be a caring friend and help him up.

Step 2: Bring him to the nearest toilet bowl and get him to puke.

Step 3: Lay him to rest on the nearest couch.

Step 4: Take turns to take pictures with his butt-crack.

Step 5: Upload the pictures on to a blog to share with the world…

Step 6: Apologise to your friend for making public his butt-crack and promise that you’ll never do it again (even if you know you are going to do it again next week).

Ahh… I feel young again…

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