I have been receiving tons of e-mails and comments saying
“HAHAHAHA BOSS STEWIE… Your new blog is JUST like your OLD ONE”.
Which is not true… is not is not is not is not….
This blog is a boring PERSONAL blog just like it’s meant to be.
And I shall prove it now… with this post.. muahahaha
I was down in KL last weekend for my Baby’s birthday and a full weekend of celebration starting Friday.
On Friday night (which was the eve of her Birthday), we decided to keep things simple and just went for a simple dinner at San Francisco Steakhouse in KLCC where we took advantage of the cooling rainy day and sat outside on the balcony overlooking this view.Yes, that is a poor picture I managed to take of the view.
I spent 10 full minutes trying to readjust my camera settings over and over again but I just couldn’t take a decent picture of the fountain at KLCC Park.
I’m such a terrible photographer, it’s not even funny.
Anyway, after dinner I told my baby that I had to go somewhere to buy something and I told her to wait for me at Topman at KLCC.
I ran all the way to the other side of KLCC to buy myself a double scoop of Lecka Lecka and snuck behind a pillar with an advertisement on it to quickly finish my ice-cream.Unfortunately, my Baby knew what I was up to and caught me on camera (WITH MY OWN CAMERA AGAIN) eating quietly behind my pillar.
I spent the next 20 minutes listening to how fat I already am and why I shouldn’t be eating Lecka Lecka. Anyway, after KLCC we went to meet some friends at a cafe called “Heaven” in The Curve. I found that a little odd at first since the word “Heaven” always reminds me of the famous gay club in London where I was once conned by a group of girl friends into going and spent my night getting my ass gropped.
Of course, “Heaven” also does remind me of the place where good people go and angels play harps.
I was a little late and my friends (Boss Lepton) included decided to pick the luckiest number for our table.
That’s right… to a Chinese, there is no luckier number than 44 (apart from 444 or 4444) right? We spent the night talking and laughing so hard it was actually painful at a certain stage.
If anyone can talk crap… it’s this group of friends in KL. Of course, by now you’re probably wondering…
“What kind of boring Birthday celebration was that?? Just sitting around having drinks…”
Well… the truth is that we were all preparing ourselves for the following night’s REAL Birthday celebration at Red Box.
My Baby loves karaoke, so 8 of us good friends decided to go spend 1/4 of a day (6 hours) in Redbox.
And we did.Probably the most fun karaoke session I’ve had ever been for.
Oh and lets not forget the even more important part, the BIRTHDAY CAKE which was probably one of the most expensive Birthday cakes I have ever bought in my life.
See when looking for a nice Birthday cake, the usual thing that comes to mind is
“Hey, lets go to Secret Recipe!”.
But I decided that it was time to try something different. So we spent Saturday afternoon walking around 1-Utama until we found a good one at Bakerzine.
It was very pricery for a tiny cake, But it was worth every cent…
Boss Lepton was nice enough to pick up the tab for the second half of the karaoke session.
Maybe because the bill came up to RM444.44 and my Boss liked the number. Thank you Boss.
For some of you are probably wondering
“So what did Boss Stewie give his baby for her Birthday?”
Well.. that’s for another post to cover.
Personal Blog HOOOOOooooO!!!