Ahhhh the book store.
I don’t know about everyone else but I love book stores.
Malaysians in general don’t exactly have the habit of reading.
Go to a McDs in Malaysia and quite rarely you will see anyone reading a book there.
Go to a McDs in London and you’ll most definitely at least one person eating alone and reading a book there.
And in case any of you were wondering… the answer is
“NO… reading the daily newspaper,FHM, CLEO and etc etc… DOES NOT COUNT as HAVING A READING HABIT“.
It’s interesting to see what kind of things people read.
A pawn shop owner who happens to be a watch enthusiast once told me that the watch you wear tells people what kind of person you are (because pawn shops have plenty and plenty of watches).
But I think the truth is that it’s the books you read that tell people what kind of person you are.
In bookshops, some people can actually take pride in showing others what they buy.
For example,
Say you were at the Cashier in MPH paying for your book/magazine and right next to you was a hot girl looking at what you were buying. If she caught you buying Da Vinci Code years ago…You can confidently look at her without a blink and say
“Yeah baby… Da Vinci Code is the coolest book in town now.. and I’m buying it… so I’m cool too.”
And the hot girl would believe you and might even giggle.
Or if you get caught buying a magazine like Men’s Health,
Then you can stand proud and say that you are truly A MAN.
Or even if you get caught buying a book like this.
Then you can proudly say to the hot girl
“Yes… it’s true. I’m a compulsive smoker and I’m trying to change.“
So what reading material shouldn’t you be caught buying?
I’m sure some people would say that they’d never want to be caught buying a dirty magazine by a woman.
If you ever get caught buying a Playboy… just turn and look at the woman and say
“Do you read this magazine? Man there are some beautiful women in there that are almost as beautiful as you”.
How bad can that be?
In which you should turn to the hot girl next to you and say
“Oh… this is for my little brother. He kept asking me all these questions so I decided to get him a book that explains everything”.
What you DON’T SAY is something like
“Oh it’s not for me… it’s for a friend”.
Because she won’t believe you.
In fact, that’s just as good as saying
“I wank 3 times a day, 21 times a week and 1092 times a year. I am the Masta of Masturbation… THE MASTA!!!!”.
So yes… being caught buying a book like that will probably bring you down to the lowest you’ve ever felt in your life in which you would probably ask yourself
“What could be worse than this?”
Well… the answer is: If you get caught reading a book like thisThat says on its cover
“Find out why masturbation is destroying your life and what you can do to stop it.
Life is very short, don’t waste your valuable time masturbating”.
In this case, don’t bother saying anything to the hot girl.
Don’t try to say you’re buying it for your little brother because she really won’t believe you.
Heck, don’t even try to play the honest man card and say
“Yes… it’s true. I’m a compulsive masturbator and I’m trying to change.“
DON’T… DON’T say anything to her.
Just take your book and your receipt, turn your back and run… run… RUN BEFORE SHE CALLS THE COPS!!!