In spite of ending my previous blog just a few days ago, I kept my promise of attending the blogger’s meet that was held at KLCC yesterday.
Now before we move on to the pics, I think it’s only kind for me to take time to introduce the two people who made the fun-filled gathering possible.
The hemsem Yee Hou And the bubbly Jolene.
Thank you to the both of you for going through all your troubles so that all of us could sit and chat.
Ok on to the limited pics I have of the gathering.
I didn’t take as many pictures as the rest of the bloggers there because.. well.. let’s just say.. my shy camera felt very very small at the sight of the other many cameras out there.
You know you’re meeting with bloggers when you see ten thousand cameras in one place.
Wilson (Boss Lepton) and I went to the meet knowing that we didn’t know anyone and nobody would know us since we’re still pretty new to the blogosphere and this was our first social meet so I went prepared to feel left out.
Pic Info: Jasiminne The Penguin whom I must say was the ‘bubbliest’ personality in the meet.
So when I started going round shaking hands and introducing myself with the line
“Hi… I’m Timothy/Stewie… don’t think you’ve ever heard of it before but I used to have this blog called Leng Mou“.
I was prepared to hear a response like
“Uhmmm.. Leng Mou.. hmmm… yeah.. I’m not sure if I’ve heard of that but I’ll check it out when I go home (though I’m pretty sure I won’t)“. Pic Info: Boss Lepton and I with Jennihsurf
Or even a response like
But I was caught off guard (and a little relieved) when people responded by saying things like
(I guess the list of bloggers going that was posted on Yee Hou’s blog helped. Some of the bloggers there must’ve found my old blog from there.)Pic Info: My Boss and I with Jasonmumbles and Joan
So I felt quite at home there eventhough it was a pity I never really got to meet EVERYONE.
Still, everyone was so friendly, it almost felt to me like a Chinese New Year dinner with family.
Except for the part where Boss Lepton and I were snapping pictures with the most number of hot, sexy and sweaty girls I’ve ever seen in my lifetime in which I felt like I was in a Playboy magazine photoshoot. Unfortunately, that’s all the pictures I took that day 🙁
I should’ve taken more pictures with the other nice bloggers I met there like Albert but I guess I was distracted. Sorry guys.
My guess is that all the nice people I met at the meet would go to my old blog and will completely miss this blog entry.
But to the rest of you who are here, thank you for the fantastic experience that I was lucky to be a part of.